Author Frequently asked questions. 531 items Posts pagination Newer 1 … 32 33 34 35 36 … 54 Older UCSF Symposium at Berkeley: “Medicare-for-All: How to Do it Right” – Videos and ppt February 10, 2020 UCSF Institute for Global Health Sciences UC Berkeley, January 24, 2020 In this colloquium, we gather leaders in Medicare-for-All design from the U.S. along with international health system experts. The discussion will review current plans in Congress and from candidates, and will highlight the best approaches and trickiest issues in implementing Medicare-for-All. Program and Speakers: […] Quote of the Day Medicare Advantage revenues are 30 percent higher than their health care spending! February 7, 2020 By Vilsa Curto, Liran Einav, Amy Finkelstein, Jonathan Levin, Jay Bhattacharya American Economic Association, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, April 2019 Abstract We compare health care spending in public and private Medicare using newly available claims data from Medicare Advantage (MA) insurers. MA insurer revenues are 30 percent higher than their health care spending. Adjusting […] Quote of the Day Medicaid improves financial risk protection, but still falls short February 6, 2020 By Hiroshi Gotanda, research scientist, Ashish K Jha, K T Li professor of health policy, Gerald F Kominski, professor of health policy, Yusuke Tsugawa, assistant professor of medicine and health policy BMJ, February 5, 2020 Abstract Objective: To examine the association between expansion of the Medicaid program under the Affordable Care Act and changes in […] Quote of the Day John Geyman’s ‘Long-Term Care in America’ February 5, 2020 By John Geyman, M.D. Copernicus Healthcare Preface Providing personal and compassionate long-term care for aging seniors and people with disabilities has been a challenge over the last 100 years in this country. It has become much more of a challenge in recent years for a number of reasons, including its unaffordability even for well-off families, […] Quote of the Day The State of America’s Children February 4, 2020 Children’s Defense Fund, February 3, 2010 Introduction For years our country has fallen short of its promise to its children, and as we enter a new decade, the situation for many children is only growing more dire. One in six children in America lives in poverty, with income inequality having grown to the widest gap […] Quote of the Day The MIPS mess February 3, 2020 By Elizabeth Woodcock, MBA, FACMPE, CPC Medscape, January 29, 2020 If you’ve knocked yourself out to earn a Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) bonus payment, it’s pretty safe to say that getting a 1.68% payment boost probably didn’t feel like a “win” that was worth the effort. And although it saved you from having a […] Quote of the Day Medicare Advantage overpayments explained January 31, 2020 By Richard Kronick Health Affairs Blog, January 29, 2020 In the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, Congress gave the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) the statutory authority and obligation to implement a “coding intensity adjustment” for Medicare Advantage (MA) plans, to adjust for differences in patterns of diagnosis coding between MA and traditional […] Quote of the Day Here they come – block grants for Medicaid January 30, 2020, January 30, 2020 The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is announcing a new opportunity to support states with greater flexibility to improve the health of their Medicaid populations. The Healthy Adult Opportunity (HAO) emphasizes the concept of value-based care while granting states with extensive flexibility to administer and design their programs within […] Quote of the Day UK’s secret? Social solidarity. January 29, 2020 The UK has one of the most equitable health care systems in the world. Here’s how. By Ezra Klein Vox, January 28, 2020 The UK spends barely half what we do, covers everyone, rarely lets cost prove a barrier for people seeking care, and boasts health outcomes better than ours. Which raises the question: How […] Quote of the Day In spite of ACA, affordability of care is being undermined for too many January 29, 2020 By Laura Hawks, M.D.; David U. Himmelstein, M.D.; Steffie Woolhandler, M.D., M.P.H.; David H. Bor, M.D.; Adam Gaffney, M.D., M.P.H.; Danny McCormick, M.D., M.P.H. JAMA Internal Medicine, January 27, 2020 Key Points Question: Has unmet need for physician services shifted for US adults between 1998 and 2017? Findings: Using data from US adults aged 18 […] Quote of the Day Posts pagination Newer 1 … 32 33 34 35 36 … 54 Older