Author Jim Kahn Frequently asked questions. 84 items Posts pagination Newer 1 … 7 8 9 Single Payer Would Radically Transform Health Policy Research May 6, 2023 The May 2023 issue of Health Affairs, the leading health policy journal, has 20 articles. In our assessment, 9 of them would be unnecessary and another 7 simplified if the US had truly universal and standard health insurance. These health policy resources could be redirected to critical non-insurance issues in access, equity and disparities, and outcomes. Suing for Inflated Bariatric Surgery Fees April 29, 2023 Aggressive collection tactics by a large bariatric surgery practice exemplify widespread problems with our health insurance: complex payment arrangements, confusing and misleading financial contracts, widely variable prices, medical debt, expensive litigation, and rising private equity. Rescuing Primary Care, Part 2 April 21, 2023 In Part 1, we discussed how primary care is being acquired and distorted by huge corporations pursuing massive profits. Today, we present a competing vision: a broad social movement to reclaim primary care as a “common good” focused on public benefit. Rescuing Primary Care, Part 1 April 15, 2023 In the first of two posts, we discuss a blog on how primary care is being acquired and distorted by huge corporations seeking massive profits by exploiting CMS value-based care, specifically capitation. The excerpt, a bit more than usual, is worth a read. Next time we’ll examine a proposal for making primary care a publicly-financed common good. Posts pagination Newer 1 … 7 8 9