Posts All of our commentary in one spot. You can also browse by topics or search. 420 posts in this category Posts pagination Newer 1 … 8 9 10 11 12 … 42 Older Saving Lives in the Middle East via Political Solution & the US via Health Reform November 27, 2023 Bernie Sanders is eloquent on achieving just and stable peace for Palestinians and Israelis, and on achieving just and stable health insurance for US residents. Many thousands of lives will be saved with each of these critical reforms. Erosion of Job-Based Insurance to Defined Contribution November 22, 2023 An Affordable Care Act mechanism intended to help small companies support ACA health insurance for workers is now being used by large companies to satisfy their ACA obligation to provide insurance to employees, under a Trump-induced loophole. They’re saving money, and selling it as enhancing choice. Excessive Corporate Control in Medicine November 15, 2023 A valuable report lays out the harm due to a corporate takeover of medicine –deleteriously affecting the experience of both providers and patients. The American Medical Association is failing to fight this trend. Regulatory action and physician activism are needed. California Seeks Federal Waivers for Unified Health Care Financing November 11, 2023 In October, California enacted SB 770, establishing a formal process to explore federal waivers necessary for state-level “unified financing”. Insurers vehemently opposed it, and some single payer advocates bemoaned the lack of a single payer plan. This is a potent mechanism to advance single payer, the gold standard in unified financing. KFF Highlights the Harms of Insurance Complexity November 4, 2023 Leaders of the Kaiser Family Foundation – a leading tracker of US health care – published a blog in JAMA identifying system complexity as the “enemy of access and affordability”. Exactly right. How can we streamline our way out of complexity? Single payer. History of US Medical Debt Collection October 31, 2023 Summary: US medical debt structure has substantially evolved from amounts negotiated among care participants in the 1980s, to commoditized assets and aggressive collection today. With sky-high deductibles and other cost-sharing, debt magnitude is rapidly growing. Single payer would end this painful complication of our health insurance. Debt Collection in American Medicine – A HistoryNew England […] Survey Confirms (Again) that US Health Insurance Makes Us Sicker & Poorer October 27, 2023 Summary: A Commonwealth Fund survey thoroughly documents that US health insurance of all types poses widespread financial barriers to care, and thus leaves us sicker. Not news, but essential to repeatedly document. The only solution: comprehensive universal public coverage. Paying for It: How Health Care Costs and Medical Debt Are Making Americans Sicker and PoorerFindings […] How To Get Health Insurance in Other Countries: Be Born October 25, 2023 Summary: Dr. Danielle Ofri, an insightful commentator on the practice of medicine, overlooked annual re-enrollment for her health insurance at work due to an email glitch. So she was automatically bumped to “basic coverage”, excluding her husband and kids. Panic ensued. Other wealthy nations avoid this inefficient and upending bureaucratic hoop. So would single payer. […] Queer Women Select Health Care Access as #1 Priority October 22, 2023 Summary: A new poll finds that queer women, asked for policy priorities, most often named universal health care at the top, following by climate change. Health care for all is a critical, central, and motivational component of progressive priorities. Queer women are prioritizing climate and health issues over LGBTQ+ rights, new poll showsThe 19thOctober 20, […] Strong Swiss Support for a Single National Health Insurer October 17, 2023 Summary: Switzerland if often cited as an example of how private insurance (highly standardized and not-for-profit) can achieve universal coverage. Yet, a recent poll found 3 to 1 support for a single national health insurer, and only 1 in 5 favor retention of private insurance. Majority of Swiss want single national health insurer, survey findsSWI […] Posts pagination Newer 1 … 8 9 10 11 12 … 42 Older