Posts All of our commentary in one spot. You can also browse by topics or search. 420 posts in this category Posts pagination Newer 1 … 11 12 13 14 15 … 42 Older Linking Democracy & Health Care for All July 4, 2023 Summary: Democracy and health intersect and interact. Threats to one are threats to both. On this July 4th, let’s recognize these links, and redouble efforts to strengthen democracy by strengthening our health system … with single payer. Health care for all, not for the few who stand to profit the most. Threats to Democracy Are […] Physicians as a Leading Force for Progressive Change July 2, 2023 Summary: Eric Reinhart brilliantly issues a call for physicians – long a conservative force in health care – to expand their political horizon from their own recent labor awakening to join the progressive movement to transform our desperately ailing health system. The Political Education of US PhysiciansJAMA Network OpenJune 27, 2023By Eric Reinhart Since the […] Subpar Consumer Experiences with Health Insurance June 27, 2023 Summary: Surprise, surprise – our fragmented, profit-driven, gap-permeated health insurance “system” leads to terrible consumer experiences accessing health care. It’s time, finally, to adopt a simple, efficient and generous solution – single payer. Survey of Consumer Experiences with Health InsuranceKFFJune 15, 2023By Karen Pollitz, et al. Key Findings * Most insured adults give their health […] Subpar Consumer Experiences with Health Insurance June 27, 2023 Surprise, surprise – our fragmented, profit-driven, gap-permeated health insurance “system” leads to terrible consumer experiences accessing health care. It’s time, finally, to adopt a simple, efficient and generous solution – single payer. Moral Crisis for US Physicians June 22, 2023 The corporate takeover of medicine has forced doctors to deviate from their healing mission to attend to financial optimization for their employers. This is indeed a moral crisis. Harkening back to the huge benefit that Medicare offered seniors 57 years ago reminds us of the universal medical access and health focus we would achieve with Medicare for All. Learning from Other Countries June 15, 2023 An excellent op-ed in the New York Times properly highlights lessons from other wealthy nations. Diving deeper into those examples reveals that single payer is the only plausible path to achieving efficient and equitable health care financing in the US. CMS Primary Care Fiddling Instead of Real Reform June 10, 2023 CMS is proposing a 10-year comparison of primary care payment models (fee-for-service and capitation, with support for care delivery systems). At first glance, why not? On closer scrutiny, this is another delay for an experiment in our current flawed system that will yield limited and equivocal results. Let’s focus on real reform. Efficiency Gone Astray in Health Care June 3, 2023 Our medical system defines efficiency as maximizing revenue-generating care. This compromises clinical interactions and indeed access to care, as highlighted in today’s excerpts. Single payer defines efficiency as eliminating wasteful non-clinical tasks and paying fair prices … to achieve universal access to high quality care. De-Sickening America May 30, 2023 The author of Sickening: How Big Pharma Broke American Health Care and How We Can Repair It trenchantly describes the fiscal and health damage done to the US from the medical-industrial complex. He calls for transcending ideologies and parties to fix the problems. We say, yes, let’s join in a middle way to provide all with health care and fund it collectively. Amazon Primary Care Financializes Health Data & Threatens Privacy May 27, 2023 With the acquisition of One Medical, Amazon becomes a primary care middleman. It wants to access your medical records and sell the data, sacrificing your privacy. Posts pagination Newer 1 … 11 12 13 14 15 … 42 Older