Posts All of our commentary in one spot. You can also browse by topics or search. 421 posts in this category Posts pagination Newer 1 … 13 14 15 16 17 … 43 Older Rescuing Primary Care, Part 1 April 15, 2023 In the first of two posts, we discuss a blog on how primary care is being acquired and distorted by huge corporations seeking massive profits by exploiting CMS value-based care, specifically capitation. The excerpt, a bit more than usual, is worth a read. Next time we’ll examine a proposal for making primary care a publicly-financed common good. 2024 Payment Increase & Other Problems with Medicare Advantage April 8, 2023 CMS just finalized the 2024 payment rule for Medicare Advantage, weakening the draft rule. There remain massive overpayments and widespread barriers to care. These fundamental problems are inevitable with reliance on private insurer intermediaries. Excess Deaths in US in 2021: COVID + 400,000 April 6, 2023 New research finds that in 2021 the US had nearly 900,000 excess deaths compared with wealthy European countries. About half were due to COVID and half due to other factors, including health care financing and delivery. An Immodest Proposal (for Excellent Financing of Our Health Care System) April 1, 2023 A striking vision for how to pay for health care in our country. Protests for Gun Safety … & Health Care Justice March 29, 2023 Following another mass school shooting, a prominent GOP former governor calls for ongoing protests in the street to force real change. It worked in the Civil Rights Movement, and it can again. Let’s demand gun safety … and, while we’re out there, health care justice via Medicare for All. Legislation to Advance California Single Payer Process March 27, 2023 A proposed law in the California Senate would instruct state officials to engage with the federal government on approvals and coordination for a state single payer bill. This is an important complement to a single payer bill in the Assembly. America’s Poverty Disgrace March 25, 2023 Summary: Matthew Desmond is shaking up how we think about poverty in America: far too prevalent and persistent, fueled by structural exploitation in housing, labor, and financial services. And solvable with an affordable level of resources. Single payer also has a crucial role to play. America Is in a Disgraced Class of Its OwnNew York […] Retailers Buying Up Health Care Delivery March 22, 2023 Summary: Major general retailers, like Amazon and Walmart, are acquiring large medical care delivery networks. And they’re linking to Medicare Advantage, a huge cash cow for insurers and linked providers. We need single payer to interrupt the corporate takeover. How major retailers are trying to change how America consumes health careAXIOSMarch 8, 2023By Tina Reed […] UK National Health Service Woes Due to Privatization & Funding Cuts March 17, 2023 Summary: The UK national health service has been a highly regarded and popular model of public financing and ownership of health services. That is, until the British government fostered privatization and, during Conservative rule, imposed austerity budgets. It can still be saved. You Don’t Have to Be a Doctor to Know How Much Trouble the […] How Medicare Advantage Distorts Clinical Outcome Data March 15, 2023 Summary: Two studies reveal how Medicare Advantage plans distort comparisons with Traditional Medicare on inpatient and emergency visit rates, which represent clinical deterioration. A study done by MA employees is biased by massive diagnostic upcoding of MA enrollees. A study by university researchers reveals how inpatient admissions fall while emergency visits rise even more. Properly […] Posts pagination Newer 1 … 13 14 15 16 17 … 43 Older