Posts All of our commentary in one spot. You can also browse by topics or search. 421 posts in this category Posts pagination Newer 1 … 14 15 16 17 18 … 43 Older Bernie Sanders Takes on Capitalism March 8, 2023 Summary: Bernie Sanders is a beacon of clarity for the pursuit of human welfare. In his new book, Bernie highlights how very American it is to confront and change the uber-capitalism that afflicts our nation. Health care is the poster child of this struggle. It’s OK To Be Angry About CapitalismCrown PublishingFebruary 2023By Bernie Sanders […] Large Insurer Exiting Workplace Health Insurance Market February 25, 2023 Summary: Humana announced a pivotal business strategy change that suggests the looming culmination of a massive shift in US health insurance. Job-based insurance started in WWII, and dominated the health insurance business … until insurers convinced government to let them manage large parts of Medicare & Medicaid, while also buying up prescription benefit managers and […] California Survey on Health Care Access, Debt, & Equity February 23, 2023 The newest survey of California health issues finds access limited by cost, causing clinical harm; pervasive medical debt; and racial differences around provider interactions. These ongoing health system failures highlight the desperate need for real reform. Support CMS 2024 Medicare Advantage Payment Rules February 21, 2023 Summary: Today’s post is a request to comment favorably (by March 3rd) on proposed payment adjustments for Medicare Advantage for 2024. CMS issued a draft of a plan for 2024 payments to Medicare Advantage plans. Overall it’s a 1% increase, after taking into account various technical factors. While it doesn’t address all serious Medicare Advantage […] Needed: Political Will to End the Violence in Ukraine & in our Health System February 18, 2023 Summary: A Russian opponent of the war in Ukraine calls for the cease-fire that will stop the killing and permit finding a solution. We need the political will to end the ongoing deaths of untold thousands, and implement an enduring solution. Just like we need to reach single payer. Stop the KillingThe NationFebruary 9, 2023By […] Prior Authorization Scrutinized February 16, 2023 Summary: Managed care advocates argue that prior authorization saves money and improves quality of care. But the evidence is unclear. Mainly, it’s an irritant for doctors and patients. An anonymous prior auth practitioner describes how it looks from the inside. Bottom line: another money-making scheme in our profit-driven health care system. LIFE AND DOLLARS: a […] Public Education Needed on the Advantages of Public Insurance February 11, 2023 Summary: US adults are fed up with health insurance costs and coverage, eager for real reform. Most favor a government guarantee of coverage, and a plurality (38%) support single payer. Yet 53% prefer a system of private insurance, despite its failings. We need to further educate the public. The Challenge of Healthcare ReformGallupJanuary 27, 2023By […] Projected Savings from Hospital Global Budgets under Single Payer February 7, 2023 Summary: A new study quantifies huge anticipated gains over 10 years – $2.5 trillion in financial savings alongside added resources for clinical care – by shifting hospital financing from today’s service-based payment and profit generation to global budgeting. Hospital Expenditures Under Global Budgeting and Single-Payer Financing: An Economic Analysis, 2021–2030International Journal of Social Determinants of […] Profit Obsessed US Health System Drives Physician Burnout February 5, 2023 Summary: A physician-anthropologist highlights the conflict plaguing today’s medical profession: the contradiction of medical values and a profit-focused health care system. He advocates collective action for universal health care following the single payer model. Doctors Aren’t Burned Out From Overwork. We’re Demoralized by Our Health System.New York TimesFeb. 5, 2023By Eric Reinhart (Political anthropologist and […] Shameless Business Tactics to Bilk Medicare and Medicaid February 4, 2023 Summary: Two KHN stories illustrate how nursing homes and Medicare Advantage health plans share a business rapacity, using no-holds-barred tactics to funnel public health insurance funds to the pockets of shareholders. Nursing Home Owners Drained Cash During Pandemic While Residents DeterioratedKHNBy Jordan RauFebruary 1, 2023 After the nursing home where Leann Sample worked was bought […] Posts pagination Newer 1 … 14 15 16 17 18 … 43 Older