Posts All of our commentary in one spot. You can also browse by topics or search. 421 posts in this category Posts pagination Newer 1 … 16 17 18 19 20 … 43 Older CMS Smothers Us with Inconsequential Regulations for Medicare Advantage December 22, 2022 Summary: The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) just released 957 pages of proposed regulations for Medicare Advantage (MA). Despite the massive verbiage, and purported reflection of public comments, they fail to remedy the fundamental dynamics that make MA so lucrative for private insurers and so inadequate for sick enrollees. U.S. Health Officials Seek […] Medicare (Dis)Advantage: A Detriment to Cancer Patients December 19, 2022 Summary: A study of cancer surgery finds higher mortality in Medicare Advantage than in Traditional Medicare. The apparent reason? Less use of prestigious and highly experienced hospitals for complex cancer surgeries. Medicare Advantage: A Disadvantage for Complex Cancer Surgery PatientsJournal of Clinical OncologyNovember 10, 2022By Mustafa Raoof et al. From the Discussion: Medicare Advantage (MA) […] Donald Berwick Condemns US Healthcare Profit Focus, Endorses Single Payer December 16, 2022 Summary: Donald Berwick, a visionary leader in the pursuit of quality medical care, said at a forum that our health system’s focus on profits is damaging, wrong, and demoralizing. It blocks improvements in quality. He said, “I remain an advocate of a globally budgeted, single-payer system.” IHI Forum: Berwick Says ‘One of the Problems in […] Medicare Advantage vs Traditional Medicare for Acute MI December 13, 2022 Summary: A national study of 2.2 million Medicare hospital admissions for heart attacks finds no clinical differences between Medicare Advantage and Traditional Medicare by 2018. At best, Medicare Advantage is providing equal outcomes at higher cost. Association of Medicare Advantage vs Traditional Medicare With 30-Day Mortality Among Patients With Acute Myocardial InfarctionJAMADecember 6, 2022By Bruce […] Thomas Piketty’s Vision for Modern Socialism December 8, 2022 Summary: Economist Thomas Piketty alerted us to accelerating economic inequality over the last 40 years. Now he proposes the solution: a revived socialism that embraces public-spirited investment in health and education for all, while adopting modern equity and ecological values. Time for SocialismYale University Press2022By Thomas Piketty Born in 1971, I belong to a generation […] COVID Settling Provokes Harm from Insurance Gaps December 6, 2022 Summary: As the COVID crisis subsides from pandemic to endemic, special funding to support its care is disappearing. This leaves many uninsured without access to COVID care, despite daily cases still exceeding 50,000. Once again, COVID exposes massive gaps in our health insurance. For the Uninsured, Covid Care Has Entered a New Stage of CrisisNew […] Voters to Politicians: We Demand Health Reform December 1, 2022 Summary: An important story mostly overlooked in the 2022 midterms is strong voter support for health reforms in the face of politician inaction. Ballot measures that passed included regulating medical debt collection, expanding Medicaid, and demanding universal publicly administered health insurance. Arizona’s debt collection reform–a small step towards health justiceBMJNovember 23, 2022By Christopher Robertson, Steffie […] US Hospital Money Machine November 28, 2022 Summary: US hospitals use aggressive business models (mergers, high prices, & marketing of lucrative services) to drive up revenues. For-profit hospitals benefit investors, but even not-for-profits act similarly, with huge financial rewards for participants. Single payer’s hospital global budgeting would remove these perverse incentives. Hospital Billing Is a Crime Against American PatientsThe American ProspectNovember 22, […] Corporations Are Thankful for US Health Care November 25, 2022 Summary: UnitedHealth proposes a $13 billion acquisition of other insurers’ billing data, which they swear they won’t use for business purposes. Hospitals farm out unpaid patient bills to high interest lenders owned by private equity firms and banks. Once again, untrammeled profit-seeking hurts patients. What Will UnitedHealth’s New Trove of Claims Data Mean for Consumers?ProPublicaNov […] Private Equity Termites November 21, 2022 Summary: Private equity is consuming US health care from the inside out, weakening its structure and strength, enriching investors at the expense of patient care and patients. Incremental health reforms have failed. It’s time to move past political barriers to achieve consensus on real reform. Termites in the House of Health CareMilbank QuarterlyNovember 14, 2022By […] Posts pagination Newer 1 … 16 17 18 19 20 … 43 Older