Posts All of our commentary in one spot. You can also browse by topics or search. 421 posts in this category Posts pagination Newer 1 … 24 25 26 27 28 … 43 Older Fighting Racism with Health Reform May 18, 2022 Summary: The “Great Replacement Theory” is a deeply racist philosophy pushed by the US right wing in a bid for political power. The current system of health care financing is no less racist, though mainly as side effect rather than tactic. Single payer would contribute immensely to decreasing racism. Comment by: Jim Kahn On Saturday, […] Bernie’s Medicare for All vs. Price Manipulation for Profiteering May 16, 2022 Summary: Recent news highlights the stark choice we face. Bernie Sanders’ updated Medicare for All bill was introduced in the Senate. Meanwhile, a JAMA Health Forum article reveals another way that corporations (this time, Pharma) manipulate prices to maximize profits on the financial backs of patients. The choice is clear! Bernie Sanders Reintroduces Medicare for […] Who’s in charge, them or us? May 13, 2022 Summary: This JAMA commentary supports doubling down on “value-based care” despite a dismal record of failed demonstrations, and doing so in the context of our dysfunctional multi-payer system. Make no mistake – this is all about enriching corporations that increasingly control our health system. They’re winning, but single payer can still come from behind. The […] Medicare Advantage is Plundering Medicare: Expansion Would Be Disastrous May 11, 2022 Summary: A JAMA viewpoint published in December advocated Medicare Advantage for All, ignoring the sordid record of Medicare Advantage plans. Those plans extract tens of billions in profits, avoid and eject unprofitable patients, decrease funds available for medical care, have a worrisome quality record, and constrain patient choice of providers. Inserting private insurers into Medicare […] The US: Inspiration, Embarrassment, & Struggle May 9, 2022 Summary: Friends around the world watch in disbelief as the US is mired in democratic crisis, hoping we re-normalize soon. The frailties of our political system are on display, challenging its core strengths. This battle is paralleled in the health system, with similar dynamics and perhaps linked futures. Comment by: Jim Kahn A European colleague […] Lame CMS Defense of REACH, the Corporate Takeover of Traditional Medicare May 5, 2022 Summary: Medicare’s funder is defending its plan to yield control of the traditional fully public side of Medicare to private investors. The evidence they present is flawed, and the story they tell is misleading. This is abetting a corporate Medicare money grab. Expanding Accountable Care’s Reach among Medicare BeneficiariesBy Douglas Jacobs, Purva Rawal, Liz Fowler, […] Obama, Obamacare, & Disinformation May 3, 2022 Summary: We hear lots, including from former President Obama, about the serious problem of disinformation stoked by social media algorithms, polarizing our society. What we hear less about is disinformation regarding private health insurance that comes from both Dems and the GOP and that compromises our ability to get care. We must address both. ‘Regulation […] Medicare Advantage Plans Denying Appropriate Care April 29, 2022 Summary: This report from the US Dept of Health and Human Services Inspector General quantifies the high frequency of unjustified denials of care authorizations and payments by Medicare Advantage plans. This is private insurers maximizing profits at the expense of patients. Some Medicare Advantage Organization Denials of Prior Authorization Requests Raise Concerns About Beneficiary Access […] More Children Now Killed by Guns than Cars April 25, 2022 Summary: Since 2017, for the first time, US child and young adult deaths from firearms exceeded those from motor vehicles. Why? Because we’ve improved car safety, and failed abysmally to improve gun safety. Why? Because gun organizations have opposed research and regulation. This must change. Crossing Lines — A Change in the Leading Cause of […] California Commission Affirms Unified Financing April 22, 2022 Summary: The Healthy California for All Commission issued a final report laying out the huge benefits to be derived from “unified financing” – one payment mechanism for all health care. Costs down, health care up. The impressive affirmation of fundamental principles plus technical findings bolster efforts for single payer. Key Design Considerations for a Unified […] Posts pagination Newer 1 … 24 25 26 27 28 … 43 Older