Posts All of our commentary in one spot. You can also browse by topics or search. 421 posts in this category Posts pagination Newer 1 … 25 26 27 28 29 … 43 Older How Financial Incentives for Quality Metrics Hurt Us April 19, 2022 Summary: An excellent commentary describes how two decades of paying to improve quality metrics has failed. Quality hasn’t improved, and we’ve spent billions of dollars and hours on quality indicators of dubious validity. We’ve compromised the practice of medicine, and increased disparities. Universal insurance is the foundation for improving quality. Reassessing Quality Assessment – The […] Congenital Syphilis Deaths Should Be a Wake-Up Call April 16, 2022 Summary: More fetuses and babies are dying from syphilis, a completely preventable outcome with adequate access to quality prenatal care. This is a another marker of failure of our systems for health care financing and public health. Babies Die as Congenital Syphilis Continues a Decade-Long Surge Across the USCalifornia HealthlineApril 12, 2022By Anna Maria Barry-Jester […] Medicare Advantage Costly Diagnostic Upcoding April 14, 2022 Summary: Investigative reporting by Bloomberg highlights the work of whistleblowers and the federal government to combat fraudulent upcoding by Medicare Advantage plans. But Medicare itself greatly worsens the problem, by failing to properly regulate aggressive (largely legal) upcoding. Major Insurers Are Scamming Billions from Medicare, Whistle-Blowers SayBloombergApril 12, 2022By John Tozzi Each year, [Medicare Advantage] […] US Physician EHR Burden = Less Clinical Focus, More Burnout April 12, 2022 Summary: The electronic health record is now ubiquitous. Doctors complain about its time demands and its emphasis on billing. This review quantifies that burden – more than 4 hours per day, far higher than in countries with simpler insurance. How much time do physicians spend in the EHR?KevinMDApril 10, 2022By Thrisha Gogineni, James G. Kahn, […] US Women of Reproductive Age Hurt by Insurance Barriers April 9, 2022 Summary: “Among women of reproductive age in high-income countries, rates of death from avoidable causes, including pregnancy-related complications, are highest in the United States. U.S. women of reproductive age are significantly more likely to have problems paying their medical bills or to skip or delay needed care because of costs.” This says it all. Health […] Big Insurer Explosive Growth & Profits Since ACA Passage April 7, 2022 Summary: An excellent review of 12-year financial trends for the largest six insurers reveals: a) skyrocketing revenue and profits, b) based mainly on growth in the public insurance sector, and c) acquisition of pharmacy benefit plans. Half of Americans are in their plans. A decade-long look at how Big Insurance profiteers American taxpayers and the […] Nurse Conviction for Fatal Error vs System Harm April 5, 2022 Summary: A nurse mistakenly gives an incorrect drug that kills a patient, and is convicted of homicide. Our system kills up to 100,000 a year due to un- and under-insurance, and nobody is indicted. Where is the justice and sense of proportion? Our inaction is outrageous. Why Nurses Are Raging and Quitting After the RaDonda […] Health Insurers to Disintermediate April 1, 2022 Summary: A very surprising and hugely important announcement: US health insurers have decided to “disintermediate” – step back from their traditional position between purchasers of health care (e.g., policyholders) and providers of health care (e.g., doctors and hospitals). The implications of this change are far-reaching. Health Insurer Trade Association Announces DisintermediationUSA Wire ServiceApril 1, 2022By […] Health Care Reform Must Return Ownership to the Community March 31, 2022 Summary: In a landmark article in The Nation, long-time single payer leaders (including four HJM bloggers) review the pervasive and damaging ownership of providers by corporations. They propose that real reform must transfer ownership and control of providers to communities. Medicare for All Is Not EnoughThe NationMarch 31, 2022By David U. Himmelstein, Steffie Woolhandler, Adam […] Protect Medicare, Promote Medicare for All March 30, 2022 Summary: This week, two major efforts are working in parallel to advance health care justice — fighting against the private corporate takeover of traditional Medicare, and promoting legislation to create an improved Medicare for All. Please check out both! Protect Medicare (new website from PNHP)The Medicare REACH program puts middlemen between patients and the care […] Posts pagination Newer 1 … 25 26 27 28 29 … 43 Older