Posts All of our commentary in one spot. You can also browse by topics or search. 421 posts in this category Posts pagination Newer 1 … 26 27 28 29 30 … 43 Older Pharma Attacks Insurers March 28, 2022 Summary: The pharmaceutical industry conducted a poll to elicit views from Americans about how insurance impairs access and affordability, for healthcare overall and drugs in particular. The concerns are real. The battle among health system profiteers is intriguing … will internecine struggles help us achieve real health care reform? New Ipsos Poll Shows Americans Are […] Connecticut Medicaid Prospers Post Capitated Managed Care March 25, 2022 Summary: In 2012, advocates in Connecticut won a battle to switch from the predominant implementation model for Medicaid – capitated managed care organizations owned by usually for-profit private insurers – to fee-for-service care payments to providers with added resources to coordinate care. Removing profit-seeking intermediaries both lowered costs and raised quality of care. How Connecticut […] Medicaid News Noise March 23, 2022 Summary: Scanning the Google news feed about Medicaid on any random day reveals scores of articles on a wide range of topics: from fraud to waitlists, from eligibility to funding, and on and on. This is complex, overwhelming, and unjust. It would disappear with single payer. Google News search “Medicaid” 21Mar2022 > TennCare prepares to […] Do Super PACs Pack a Punch for Single Payer? March 21, 2022 Summary: Despite majority support, single payer faces huge political obstacles. In response, Joseph Q. Jarvis, a longstanding family and public health physician, proposes a political tool: a Super PAC, a political action committee which raises money from varied donors to advocate on an issue, without coordinating with parties or candidates. American Health Security ProjectWebsite for […] Medical Debt Multi-Generational Affliction March 19, 2022 Summary: Medical debt is common and iatrogenic*, induced by un- and under-insurance. A new survey confirms that it has serious consequences, most of all for mid-life and younger demographics: Gen X (born 1965-80), Millennials (1981-96), and Gen Z (1997-2012). Boomers and the Silent Generation also feel its effects. * Iatrogenic: Illness caused by medical interventions. […] Medicaid Coverage Turmoil as COVID Pandemic Eases March 17, 2022 Summary: With federal protections for Medicaid coverage during the public health emergency winding down, states are aiming for an orderly “redetermination” process. Translation: orderly ousting from public insurance. About 1 in 8 individuals with Medicaid coverage will lose it, up to 1 in 3 in some states, often due to process problems. This is a […] Pharmacy Carve-Outs: How to Make Privatized Medicaid Even Worse March 15, 2022 Summary: California recently inserted a private pharmacy benefits plan into Medi-Cal, despite evidence from other states that it adds costs. Thousands of patients have suffered medication gaps. All this makes no sense, if the goal is efficient, equitable, effective medical care. Opinion: New Medi-Cal Rx Is Riddled with Problems, Hurting Those Who Need it MostCalifornia […] GOP Subversion of Democracy Curtails Abortion Rights March 12, 2022 Summary: Yesterday was the end of the Roe era of federal protection of abortion rights. This is the culmination of decades of GOP anti-democratic efforts to undo majority-supported and health-enhancing reproductive autonomy. Texas Supreme Court Shuts Down Final Challenge to Abortion LawNew York TimesMarch 11, 2022By Kate Zernike and Adam Liptak The Texas Supreme Court on Friday effectively […] Medi-Cal Expansion Not Enough March 10, 2022 Summary: California’s Medi-Cal expansion for undocumented immigrants is laudatory … but is just a partial fix, leaving millions uncovered. It falls profoundly short of what is needed to cover everyone with high quality insurance, while saving money and boosting the economy: single payer. California is expanding Medi-Cal – but hundreds of thousands of immigrants will […] Single Payer Savings in California March 8, 2022 Summary: An excellent commentary in The Nation reviews the cost advantages of single payer in California and generally, the current health care cost explosion, and the unsavory trade-off foisted on us every day: corporate profits up, family health down. The Plan to Save Californians $117 Billion a Year by Switching to Single-PayerThe NationFebruary 25, 2022By […] Posts pagination Newer 1 … 26 27 28 29 30 … 43 Older