Posts All of our commentary in one spot. You can also browse by topics or search. 421 posts in this category Posts pagination Newer 1 … 33 34 35 36 37 … 43 Older Access to Mental Health Care — US worst among wealthy countries October 12, 2021 Summary: World Mental Health Day was October 10th. How is the US doing on access to care? Terribly. Therapists often don’t take insurance, and we lead wealthy nations in financial barriers to care: fully 50% of those in need. Single payer would provide a strong behavioral health benefit. Why It’s So Hard to Find a […] Racism in health – medical debt October 11, 2021 Summary: “Columbus Day” is a holiday that invites us to reflect on another source of pervasive racism in our health system – the debt that arises when health insurance is absent or inadequate. This problem would be resolved with, yes, single payer. The racial implications of medical debt: How moving toward universal health care and […] Medicare Privatization is Failing Seniors October 8, 2021 Summary: Seniors face much greater financial barriers to medical care in the US than in other wealthy countries. Why? Because we’re handing Medicare over to business interests, which prioritizes profits over medical care and health. When Costs Are a Barrier to Getting Health Care: Reports from Older Adults in the United States and Other High-Income […] Dental care for Medicare! October 6, 2021 Summary: Medicare has always lacked dental services. Some dentists are now offering dental practice “memberships”. But dental health is too important to be handled piecemeal and unregulated. It’s time for dental coverage in Medicare! Dentists Chip Away at Uninsured Problem by Offering Patients Membership PlansKaiser Health NewsSeptember 17, 2021By Phil Galewitz A quarter of dentists […] Racism in US health, two reminders October 5, 2021 Summary: Racism in US health manifests in multiple guises and scales. Today we report on two diverse country-wide phenomena most severely harming Blacks: thousands of deaths due to police violence, and millions burdened by social stresses and substandard insurance for the poor. Fatal police violence by race and state in the USA, 1980–2019: a network […] No relief from private insurance market concentration October 2, 2021 Summary: The American Medical Association finds rising health insurer concentration. That’s bad, because powerful private insurers undermine the healthcare experience. What we need is fully concentrated insurance: a single payer, committed to the public good. AMA publishes new study monitoring competition in U.S. health insurance marketsAMA press releaseSeptember 28, 2021 The American Medical Association (AMA) […] Medicare Advantage & DCEs: How Corporate Investors Deplete Medicare September 30, 2021 Summary: Private investors have devised and exploit clever mechanisms to obtain massive payments and outlandish profits from Medicare. These manipulations started with Medicare Advantage, and now threaten traditional Medicare via Direct Contracting Entities. DCEs must be stopped. Medicare Advantage, Direct Contracting, and The Medicare ‘Money Machine’Part 1 & Part 2Health Affairs BlogSeptember 27 & 28, […] NYT: The multifaceted failings of US health insurance September 28, 2021 Summary: The New York Times, the most respected US daily newspaper, over the last week prominently published three stories about startling failings in our health insurance system. Are the reporters and editors sending us a message – time to change health insurance system? Their Baby Died in the Hospital. Then Came the $257,000 BillNew York […] High Uninsurance post-ACA for Low-Income, Black, Hispanic September 27, 2021 Summary: This study used a national survey to document high levels of uninsurance among vulnerable populations after ACA implementation, especially in states not choosing to expand Medicaid – up to 40-60% for some groups in some states. Sadly, but unsurprisingly, the ACA falls far short. States’ Performance in Reducing Uninsurance Among Black, Hispanic, and Low-Income […] Californians Crave Single Payer! September 24, 2021 Summary: Three diverse California groups – doctors in training, low income populations, and leaders of community-based organizations — recently showed high support for single payer. Very encouraging trend, invigorating! Let’s harness that energy. Health reform debateUSC Keck School of MedicineSeptember 21, 2021Single Payer presenter Paul Song MD See Paul’s ppt deck here. Community Voices Priorities […] Posts pagination Newer 1 … 33 34 35 36 37 … 43 Older