Posts All of our commentary in one spot. You can also browse by topics or search. 420 posts in this category Posts pagination Newer 1 … 38 39 40 41 42 Older Medical Journals are Allergic to Data on Racism July 13, 2021 Medicine’s Privileged Gatekeepers: Producing Harmful Ignorance About Racism And HealthHealth Affairs BlogApril 20,2021By Nancy Krieger, et al. We conducted a literature search for … papers including the word “racism” that were published between January 1, 1990 and December 31, 2020 by four leading medical journals (all with impact factors for 2019 exceeding 30). These journals […] CMS Direct Contracting Scheme Will Privatize Medicare July 9, 2021 Comment by Jim Kahn Medicare offers enrollees a choice of “traditional” Medicare (government-administered coverage for virtually all physicians and hospitals in the US) or Medicare Advantage (private insurance plans with restricted provider panels). Nearly 60% of enrollees select traditional Medicare, and financial analyses by CMS, MedPAC, and others consistently show that traditional Medicare is less […] Even U.S. privileged have worse health outcomes than average for other wealthy nations July 8, 2021 Comparing Health Outcomes of Privileged US Citizens With Those of Average Residents of Other Developed CountriesJAMA Internal MedicineMarch, 2021;181:339-44.By Ezekiel J. Emanuel et al From the Abstract Objective To assess whether the health outcomes of White US citizens living in the 1% and 5% richest counties (hereafter referred to as privileged White US citizens) are […] Insurers issue defective & deceptive provider directories July 7, 2021 Modern HealthcareJune 25, 2021San Diego sues Molina, HealthNet, KaiserBy Nona Tepper The city of San Diego sued three health insurers on Friday, alleging Kaiser Permanente, HealthNet and Molina Healthcare all advertised false networks of providers in an attempt to get consumers to sign up for their plans. “Consumers should be able to trust their health […] Yet Another Medicare Advantage Cheating Scheme July 6, 2021 Medicare Advantage Chart Reviews Are Associated With Billions in Additional Payments for Some PlansMedical CareFebruary, 2021By David J. Meyers and Amal Trivedi. From the Abstract: Background: In the Medicare Advantage (MA) program, private plans receive capitated payments that are adjusted based on their enrollees’ number and type of clinical conditions. Plans have the ability […] Democracy and Single Payer July 4, 2021 Comment by Jim Kahn On the 4th of July, my thoughts turn to our system of governance, as it relates to health reform. Our democracy is under siege. First, the President who lost his re-election bid tried to retain power by claiming he won and fomenting a coup. Crisis averted, barely. The vast majority of […] High deductibles can kill patients, especially if they’re poor July 2, 2021 Impact of High-Deductible Health Plans on Emergency Department Patients With Nonspecific Chest Pain and Their Subsequent CareCirculationJune 2021By Shih-Chuan Chou et al Methods: Using a commercial and Medicare Advantage claims database, we identified members 19 to 63 years old whose employers exclusively offered low-deductible (≤$500) plans in 1 year, then, at an index date, mandated […] Medicare for All Would Guarantee Health Care for the Undocumented June 30, 2021 Desperate for Covid Care, Undocumented Immigrants Resort to Unproven DrugsNew York TimesJune 20, 2021By Amy Maxmen “It’s disappointing but not surprising” that people living below the poverty line have spent large sums of money for unproven treatments for Covid-19, said Rais Vohra, the interim head of Fresno County’s health department. “People are desperate and bombarded […] The Financialization of US Health Care Is Responsible for the EHR Burden on Clinicians June 29, 2021 Assessment of Electronic Health Record Use Between US and Non-US Health SystemsJAMA Internal Medicine 2021;181(2):251-259.February 1, 2021A. Jay Holmgren et al. From the Abstract: Design, Setting, and Participants: This cross-sectional study analyzed the deidentified metadata of ambulatory care health systems in the US, Canada, Northern Europe, Western Europe, the Middle East, and Oceania from January 1, 2019, […] Proper funding for home-based long-term care is essential June 28, 2021 Time to Rethink Nursing HomesThe JAMA ForumApril 13, 2021By Stuart M. Butler “Hundreds of thousands of people who are older and disabled live in nursing homes not because they need specialized care or want to live in those facilities, but because Medicaid payment rules make that the only housing with daily living care they can […] Posts pagination Newer 1 … 38 39 40 41 42 Older