Posts All of our commentary in one spot. You can also browse by topics or search. 420 posts in this category Posts pagination Newer 1 … 7 8 9 10 11 … 42 Older UK Doctor Strike Reveals Need to Resist Conservative Politics & Corporate Predation January 7, 2024 A physician strike in the UK National Health Service reflects how British politicians have betrayed the NHS through austerity funding and support for corporate grabs in health care. In the US we face similar barriers. We must preserve democracy at the ballot box, and build community control. HJM AI-Assisted 2023 Review January 1, 2024 2023 was another year of deteriorating US health insurance performance, especially as post-COVID protections lapsed, and continued modest gains toward single payer. For the annual summary, we set up a ChatGPT-based artificial intelligence bot on the HJM website to allow natural language interaction with HJM content – called HJM Ai-Chat. Check it out! Let us know what you like about it and any suggestions. Below are sample queries and responses. (The new HJM website is beta, we’re refining visual presentation and adding content … official launch in early 2024.) Private Equity Hospital Purchase Raises Risks for Patients December 29, 2023 A new study in JAMA of 5 million hospitalizations over 10 years at 300 US hospitals found that private equity acquisition was associated with a 25% rise in serious adverse clinical events, likely due to fewer employees. Private equity strategies in health put patients at risk. Thoughts & Prayers Do Not Protect Our Children December 24, 2023 Unintentional firearm deaths require action. This is an especially appropriate reminder during the holiday season, with its focus on family. Largest ACO Program Saves Piddling Amounts for Medicare December 22, 2023 A new analysis finds that that MSSP, the oldest and largest Medicare accountable care organization (ACO) program, has lost money for individuals it covers and overall for Medicare saves just 75¢ per $1000. Medicare Advantage Under-Performance December 20, 2023 A commentary on Medicare Advantage in a high-profile medical journal delicately discusses issues with MA performance. We believe the evidence warrants a much more critical stance. We need not accept the inevitability of Medicare capture by under-performing private insurance. Building the Democratic Party By Helping the Middle Class December 14, 2023 George Packer reviews recent books which propose that for the Democrats to achieve stable power, they must provide economic assistance to the struggling middle class, not fight cultural battles. Single payer’s economic stability can foster progressive cultural norms. British National Health Service Crippled by Privatization & Austerity Funding December 8, 2023 A NY Times opinion video lays it out vividly: The British NHS is an adored public institution, now 75 years old. In recent years it has stumbled … sabotaged by UK leaders who starve budgets and foster ill-advised private initiatives. Implosion of Commercial Health Insurance December 7, 2023 Commercial health insurance, on a decades-long decline in affordability, dipped to a new low. Family insurance is unaffordable at small firms, children with commercial insurance are inadequately covered, and three-quarters of consumers can’t promptly pay medical bills. PPO becomes PP-No: Providers Refuse Medicare Advantage December 2, 2023 Hospitals and provider systems are increasingly opting out of Medicare Advantage (MA) networks, frustrated by low payment rates and rising payment denials. Even “preferred provider” MA plans, which should cover any Medicare provider, are being declined by prestigious health systems. Posts pagination Newer 1 … 7 8 9 10 11 … 42 Older