Posts All of our commentary in one spot. You can also browse by topics or search. 421 posts in this category Posts pagination Newer 1 … 15 16 17 18 19 … 43 Older Pervasive Greed Destroying US Health Care January 31, 2023 Summary: Esteemed medical care quality leader Donald Berwick condemns the pervasive and crippling role of financial gain-seeking in US health care. As he said recently, single payer is the solution. Salve Lucrum: The Existential Threat of greed in US Health CareJAMAJanuary 30, 2023By Donald M. Berwick The grip of financial self-interest in US health care is […] Single Payer Savings for Households: Calculator Results January 29, 2023 Summary: Four thousand individuals reporting current healthcare spending and income reveal that … nearly 9 in 10 will save money, more than $5000 per year on average, with single payer. At a time of inflation, California should take a bold step to tame rising health care costsViewpointsSacramento BeeJanuary 11, 2023By James G. Kahn & Michael […] Collector Rolex vs. Progressive Taxes to Foster Egalitarian & Cohesive Society January 27, 2023 Summary: $18 million for a pre-owned Rolex watch vs. tax rates that redress our astounding, historically high economic inequality, in pursuit of social cohesion and equality. Which message do we believe in? Rolex Now Has a Resale Program. The Watch World Quakes.New York TimesJan. 18, 2023By Victoria Gomelsky There is a saying in the high-end […] How Not to do Universal Coverage January 23, 2023 Summary: An appealing-sounding proposal for universal health insurance envisions a “social floor” “basic bundle” of medical care, to be supplemented by those that can afford more. It thus needlessly sacrifices the efficiency, equity, and unity available with single payer. Achieving Universal Health Insurance Coverage In The United States: Addressing Market Failures Or Providing A Social […] Galluping In the Wrong Direction: Higher Cost Barriers & Lower Quality January 21, 2023 Summary: National polls show that the US is losing ground on two major indicators of health system performance: access to care and perceived quality. Who thought it could get worse? Gallup shows we’re galloping to disaster. Record High in U.S. Put Off Medical Care Due to Cost in 2022GallupJanuary 17, 2023By Megan Brenan The percentage […] Martin Luther King and Health Justice January 16, 2023 Summary: The holiday honoring Martin Luther King is the perfect day to revisit the problems of racism still afflicting our health care system and indeed our health. Today we rely on the thoughtful commentary of our colleague Wendell Potter. The health care injustices that Dr. King spoke about are still here. And growing.Wendell Potter NOWJan […] The Problems with Job-Based Insurance January 5, 2023 Summary: The Chamber of Commerce uses the results of its online poll to claim overwhelming worker support for job-based health benefits. However, the methods and reporting are biased. Survey findings by the Commonwealth Fund tell a far more worrisome story. New Poll of American Workers Reveals Tremendous Value Placed on Workplace Health BenefitsU.S. Chamber of […] Health Justice Monitor Annual Review 2022 January 2, 2023 Summary: The news from 2022: profits, insurance gaps, and medical debt are high; access to care and longevity are low; and efforts for real reform remained determined, and align with democratic values. Here’s a comprehensive topical compendium of health justice issues we covered last year. The review for 2021, using similar categories, is here. Revelations – […] Resolve in Pursuit of Democracy & Health Justice December 31, 2022 Summary: The year 2022 saw democracy protected from tyrants in the US and abroad through the determined action of visionary leaders. That struggle continues. The struggle for health justice in the US is similar: facing growing threats and anti-democratic opposition, it requires persistent vision, strategy, and resolve. ‘Clowns And Thugs’: Jan 6th Evidence Broken DownCNNDecember […] The Continued Abysmal Performance of US Health Insurance December 27, 2022 Summary: Yet again, cogent review of the failings of absurdly complex US health insurance, reducing medical access for vulnerable populations and indeed, almost all of us. Yet again, acceptance of the dysfunctional patchwork and a call for “new reforms.” Yet again, we say: adopt the only sensible solution, single payer. U.S. Health Insurance Coverage and […] Posts pagination Newer 1 … 15 16 17 18 19 … 43 Older