Posts All of our commentary in one spot. You can also browse by topics or search. 421 posts in this category Posts pagination Newer 1 … 27 28 29 30 31 … 43 Older VA Better than Private Care on Mortality & Costs March 5, 2022 Summary: An excellent study using a sophisticated research design (geeks: instrumental variable) finds that Veteran’s Affairs care lowers mortality by nearly half and costs by one-fifth after an emergency visit. Government care beats private care, reminding us of the advantages of a committed and well-run health care system. Is There a VA Advantage? Evidence from Dually Eligible […] Fee-for-Service vs. Capitation March 3, 2022 Summary: Today we take a step back to consider a pivotal issue that arises in discussions of health reform generally and single payer specifically: Which is the better way to pay providers – FFS or capitation? The answer is: Both. That is, done right, both can work very well. And, sometimes, neither … Comment by: […] COVID-19 “Urgency of Normal” vs. Public Health Science March 2, 2022 Summary: As the COVID Omicron variant subsides, and schools cautiously reopen, a tiny but vocal group of doctors is arguing to end all precautions, including masking. Their arguments distort public health evidence. Under-vaccinated and under-resourced communities are the most likely to suffer from such a strategy. Why Is This Group of Doctors So Intent on […] CMS Dumps DCEs … In Name Only February 28, 2022 Summary: CMS apparently took to heart concerns about the privatization of traditional Medicare with DCEs, pivoting to a new program ACO REACH focused on equity and disparities. Except that the new program is really no different than DCEs. Re-branding while continuing the march to corporate control of Medicare won’t cut it. ACO REACHCMSFebruary 2022 The […] CBO on Single Payer Benefits to the Economy February 26, 2022 Summary: The Congressional Budget Office just released a powerful report, highlighting multiple ways in which single payer would strengthen the economy. That’s right, not just health, but also general economic productivity and well-being. Efficiently financed universal health care improves health and reduces financial burdens, boosting economic performance. Economic Effects of Five Illustrative Single-Payer Health Care […] Ukraine Crisis February 24, 2022 Summary: The world is roiling, with a Russian invasion of Ukraine. This appears to be the largest post-Cold War crisis in Europe, with huge risks. This is indeed a health issue, and a justice issue. Vladimir Pozner: How the United States Created Vladimir Putin2018 talk at Yale.YouTubeOctober 2, 2018 [no excerpt – video] Pozner, a […] Paul Farmer, Medical Visionary February 22, 2022 Summary: Paul Farmer, an inspirational leader in global health, passed away, too young at 62. His powerful vision for social justice in health should guide us to single payer in the US and to use the resulting huge savings to improve health around the world. Paul Farmer, Pioneer of Global Health, Dies at 62New York […] Single Payer 20/20 Vision: Advantages & Obstacles February 19, 2022 Summary: Today we summarize what single payer offers, and the challenges to achieving it, using the arbitrary framework of 20-item lists. (With President’s Day on Monday, perhaps Lincoln’s “Four score …” sent a subliminal message.) The incredible advantages justify continued struggle to overcome the daunting obstacles. Comment by: Jim Kahn Advantages 1. Everyone has high […] Hospital Price Skirmishes vs. Solidarity-Driven Transformation February 16, 2022 Summary: In Connecticut, a large hospital system is being sued to stop anti-competitive practices that raise prices for insurers, employers, and patients. Good, as far as it goes. But it’s just minor tweaking of a profoundly dysfunctional market-based system. Where’s the needed transformation? Patients are coming after hospital monopoliesAXIOSFeb 16, 2022By Bob Herman A group […] Single Payer is Free Love February 14, 2022 Comment by: Jim Kahn Let me explain today’s title. It’s not what some of you Boomers who remember the 1960s and 1970s might think. Providing access to health care with no financial barriers is love — of fellow human beings. Single payer saves money by eliminating profits and administrative waste. Thus, it’s free, even with […] Posts pagination Newer 1 … 27 28 29 30 31 … 43 Older